Thursday, March 15, 2007


Dear Friends,

My cat, Charlotte has taken a major turn for the worse, her kidneys are failing and I will be helping her into her next life this evening. She has been my closest friend and confidant since 1989 when I found her as a small kitten, quiet and scared. For many years she was more of a mother to me than I was to her - helping me and my husband by comforting us when we were low or unwell. She's the most intuitive soul I've ever met and I will miss her deeply.

I'm very sad, but also very grateful to have had her for 8 more months after last summer's scare. I just wanted the people I care about to know, since all of you understand our "friends with fur" and I'm so grateful for the fond wishes you sent me last summer. Thank you.

Please send warm thoughts this evening if you think about it. And I hope this finds all of you and yours happy and well.

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